Saturday, November 21, 2009

[Juarez] Summary of the Exploratory Team to Juarez - Comments from Our Hosts

During the morning we met with members of the Center for Human Rights in Juárez. This is the group that invited MPT to send an exploratory team to Juárez. At this meeting our team reported the highlights of our findings and expressed our gratitude to the Center members for their excellent work. Center members then shared final messages with us.

Here is a summary of the responses from Center members after our team report:

· The children … they are our heart …we needed more time so that you could see how the children play, how they learn, how they live AND how we love them. I want you to see that the children of Juárez are the light of our hearts.

· We start with the children. They are our future AND our present.

· Thank you for your presence. You have motivated me and helped me to learn how to be part of a team. To solve our problems we have to be serious about teamwork. Peace is for everyone. Seeing how MPT works gives me hope. We can do much more here.

· Thank you -- what you have done. You have been with people who have been in fear and terror. The proposals that you have shared are very positive. Also you help us to see how to unite together with other organizations. Our people are paralyzed with fear. The organizations are also paralyzed. The situation has been very difficult -- you have helped us to lift our spirits. We need so much. We are dealing with those who have much power and no respect for life.

· You have experience with groups of people. This has been good. You have explored our roots and the history of our people. The presence and accompaniment --- I feel that it is very powerful for the people. I like that you have opened up to see how people live, and how they you want to be with you.

· We have much work to do here to resolve our problems. As you return to the United States I hope you will share how things need to change there too: Some of the problems we face in Juarez are rooted in the United States. For example…The maquiladoras exploit our people and harm our family structure. Also the drug trade flows to the United States and weapons flow from the United States to

· Now very young youth collect $100 for killing a person—it’s awful to say but this has become a business. Hit men are 14 or 16 years old. This is what I fear in the Barrios –
Juárez children are being used for this terrible business. After killing they sit down and wait for the soldiers. They know they will not get jail time

· You help us to see the importance of listening. We need to listen to one another.

· Our people of Km 27 very happy that you have come. We are very disposed to receive MPT.

· The people of the First of May say they noticed us. They see we want peace and have many needs. You are very welcome --We hope that you can return!

· I would say to you thank you for you solidarity—You see clearly that not only is
Juárez filled with violence; but it is also filled with hope.

· I was quite concerned about
Juárez and the country---Until Julia said that peace was possible -- the obstacles are great. Authoritarianism is strong and things will get worse. I want to be hopeful and work hard for Juárez.

· It would be wonderful to have you in the whole city. It would be a great support. Thanks to Julia and all of you for coming.

Following this meeting we were invited to a celebration sponsored by a group of senior citizens in Juárez.  With them we enjoyed a delicious meal and we danced together. Wisely the seniors told us, singing and dancing is part of our work!

Finally we had an important meeting with two Adrian Dominican sisters (Donna and Maureen) who have dedicated their lives in service of the people of Juárez. Their love wisdom and insights touched us deeply.

Monday, November 16, 2009

[Palestine] Cactus Watering Protest at At-Tuwani

On Saturday, November 7, the Fall MPT Team went to At-Tuwani to participate in a symbolic protest of watering cactus. The cactus is an appropriate plant for a protest, as the Palestinian word for “cactus” derives from the same root as “patience”: sabra. Thus the cactus has come to represent the steadfastness and inner strength of the Palestinians, as resistance to the Israeli Occupation takes time and patience. Cacti are found all over Palestine, along highways, demarcating property boundaries, and marking the location of long-ago destroyed or abandoned villages.
Early homes of At-Tuwani
At-Tuwani is a 1,000-year-old village near Hebron in the south of Palestine. Its population of approximately 250 people consists mainly of four families. Its oldest homes are between 300-500 years old, and some of the caves are believed to date from Roman times. At-Tuwani has witnessed a “building boom” in the past year which has transformed the landscape of the village. Modern cement homes are replacing the old stone structures and caves.
New homes replacing the ancient
At-Tuwani is surrounded by the illegal Israeli settlement of Ma'on, established in 1982, and the illegal Israeli outposts of Havat Ma'on and Avi Gai. The settlement of Ma’on continues to expand, having flattened a nearby hillside, putting up 6 caravans (term for a pre-fab type trailer; this first step toward the establishment or expansion of a settlement is called an "outpost") and building new homes. Since its establishment, Ma’on has confiscated close to 400 acres of land from At-Tuwani villagers.
Caravans expanding the illegal settlement of Ma'on
In 2004, after 20 years of enduring violence and harassment from the settlers, At-Tuwani invited Christian Peacemaker Teams (CPT) and the Italian peace group Operation Dove to serve as a permanent international presence in the village The internationals spend their days monitoring Palestinian children walking near the settlements to and from school, accompanying the village farmers and shepherds in their fields where they are subject to assault by extremist settlers, and being a presence as the villagers improve the infrastructure of their community.

Last summer the settlers destroyed the village’s wheat crop (crops and farm machinery are regularly destroyed by the settlers) and erected a fence, confiscating one-fifth of the area. Instead of replanting wheat, the villagers planted cactus along the fence to occupy the land. Each week, as a form of protest, internationals join the women and children of the village in watering the cacti “pads,” using soda bottles filled with water carted down to the field in a wheelbarrow. Other internationals stand watch with cameras to document any military or settler interference. It’s a small action, designed for visibility, but bears testimony to the steadfastness of the Palestinians.

The men do not join in the protest for fear of arrest. At a recent village protest against a demolition order for one of the village homes, soldiers randomly arrested one of the men who was fined 20,000 shekels, or $5,000, an astronomical amount for the impoverished villager. The man’s family pooled their resources, villagers contributed, and one neighbor even sold his sheep and some furniture to help his friend. In addition to the fine, the man was imprisoned until his court date, which kept being postponed for several months. Because of this villager’s experience, the men are cautious about being upfront in the protests.
A young lad resets the stones around a cactus pad
At-Tuwani has one diesel generator that provides electricity for the village for four hours every night. Earlier this year former British Prime Minister Tony Blair promised the villagers they would have electricity and the villagers started building pylons to string the wires, only to receive demolition orders from the Israeli Army which confiscated materials and tools, including a truck, mechanized lift, and large spool of electrical cable.

Homes in At-Tuwani do not have running water. There is one spring-fed well that provides water for drinking and cooking, but does not provide enough water for washing. Rainwater is collected in cisterns for washing and for the animals. Because of years of drought and settler actions against their water sources (in the recent past, settlers poisoned the well with dead chickens), villagers have to buy much of their water, at prohibitive cost, from tankers that come to the village.

There is a well on a small hill not far from the cactus planting. However, even though it is on Palestinian land, the water is only for use by the illegal settlement and outposts. When villagers ask if they can have some of the water, officials tell them there’s “too little water,” not enough water for the villagers although the settlement has planted large numbers of cherry trees and rose bushes, two water-intensive crops.

In its October 2009 report, Troubled Waters: Palestinians Denied Fair Access to Water ( Amnesty International accuses Israel of denying Palestinians the right to access adequate water by maintaining total control over the shared water resources and pursuing discriminatory policies. The report states that on average Palestinian daily water consumption (for drinking, bathing, cleaning, farming and for animals) reaches 18 1/2 gallons a day, compared with 79 ¼ gallons for the Israelis, and that some Palestinians barely get 5 ¼ gallons a day - the minimum recommended even in humanitarian emergencies. Numbering about 450,000, the residents of illegal settlements use as much or more water than the Palestinian population of some 2.3 million.

Amnesty International’s report also states that Israel denies Palestinians the right to dig wells, and has even destroyed cisterns and confiscated water tankers. In contrast, Israeli settlers who live in the West Bank in violation of international law have intensive-irrigation farms, swimming pools, and lush gardens and lawns. Amnesty International also charges that Israel uses more than 80% of the water from the Mountain Aquifer - the main source of underground water in Israel and the occupied Palestinian territories.

Thus the cactus planting and watering represent a fitting metaphor for the patience and forbearance required to live under Occupation.